It’s been a few months of settling in at Pluralsight, and Microsoft Ignite is on the horizon, so it seems like a good time to chat about a question I’ve received from people over the last few months. And one I expect to hear in the more in the coming week. ‘So Michael, why did you leave Microsoft’ Well, there…
Making Microsoft Ignite a Success – When You Get Home
Now that Microsoft Ignite is over, you may be wondering what do I do next. To help you, I’ve put together a list of things to do post-conference as you return home and to your work. Recharge your Batteries It was a long week filled with networking, learning, and sharing. Make sure you take some time to re-charge and re-connect…
The Krewe Code Of Contact
As many of you know, I lead up a user group called The Krewe. We are currently between websites (long story) but I wanted to get a copy of our Code of Conduct out so all members know what is expected especially with many gathering at Microsoft Ignite. Our group has always strived for being a welcoming community, and part…
Making Microsoft Ignite a Success – At the Conference
So you finally made it to Microsoft Ignite. Congratulations!!!! Now, what do you do? Whether it is your first time or you are a veteran, Microsoft Ignite is a weeklong marathon of information and networking. Having a plan going in and executing a successful week can take some work so I wanted to share my thoughts and tips for making…
Building a Microsoft Ignite Schedule
In my previous blog post, I provided a set of guidelines for selecting conference sessions when attending events like Microsoft Ignite. Now, it’s time to build your schedule in the MyIgnite portal for Microsoft Ignite. This can take some time so set aside an hour for this, and plan to revisit it as you refine your goals for Ignite. To…
Guidelines for Building an Awesome Conference Schedule
With Microsoft Ignite less than two weeks away, I wanted to share with you some ideas for building your schedule for this (or any technical conference for that matter). Over the years, I’ve based my schedule building on some rules. By following some guidelines and knowing your goals, you’ll have a more successful conference experience with plenty of useful information…
Get Started with
Prior to starting at Microsoft, I had created a short video introducing (aka for all your Microsoft documentation needs. Also, I covered how you can help make our documentation better w/ feedback and submitting change requests. One important note: Since this recording, Azure Cloud Shell has been upgraded to use PowerShell Core and runs on Linux so the startup time has…
Making Microsoft Ignite a Success – Before You Leave
Over the years, I’ve attended a lot of conferences, and Microsoft Ignite is by far the largest I’ve attended. It has hundreds of sessions, vendor experiences, and engagement opportunities with Microsoft FTEs (Full Time Employees) & Industry experts. Mix in the thousands of attendees, and you have a great big sea of humanity. In order to make your experience a…
Resources for Building a New Career in 5 Hours a Week
At TechMentor 20, I gave a presentation on Building a Better Career in 5 Hours a week. I referred to a number of resources so this is a listing of all the resources referenced along with additional resources. SMART Goals Mission Statement Online Education Resources: eDx Microsoft Cloud Professional Program in Cloud Admin: Microsoft Virtual Academy:…
Guest Blog Post – Introduction to TechSnips w/ Adam Bertram
Note from Michael: Adam is a longtime friend and member of the PowerShell community. I have a lot of respect for Adam and the work he’s done over the years for IT Pros so I wanted to support his efforts. TechSnips is an excellent platform that serves two purposes: It allows people to share their knowledge, and it provides a…