
Trip to the Emerald City…In Brief

So my wife and I took a decadent long weekend over Thanksgiving to Seattle. We absolutely loved it. The Weather was awesome. All our friends there said it’s NOT normal:) And the people were super friendly. I’ll post some pics later but we did all the cool tourist stuff…-+


Do you know how I know you’re a Geek???

As you may not know, I’m a total Star Wars and Lego geek. Just got this very cool video link which combines both. Also, checke these out. StarWars USB drives!!! Darth Vader is sold out (of course), but I found one on ebay:) I’m thinking about pulling the trigger on an OLPC XO Laptop. Till November 26th, you can give…

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Not sure how I feel about this…

Well, it was just announced at Tech-Ed IT Forum in Barcelona that the new name for Windows Server virtualization, or WSv, is “Hyper-V”. From the the sounds of it, Anti-trust issues are probably involved. So Microsoft will make their virtualization platform available for $28. Interesting…when looking at the price structure, they have basically lowered the price of versions w/o H-V,…

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I could be…

Enjoying the outdoors… Raking leaves… Cleaning out my garage… But, I’m sitting in my office GEEKIN that I got both WSV and ESX running and BUILDING VMs. WSV was an easy fix. When the blades were deployed, both the AMD Processor Virtualization and XD/NX (eXecute Disable/No Execute) in the BIOS were both disable. Couple keystrokes and I’ve got a Server…

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And then there were Blades…

Finally, after many months of postponed installs, I have my blade servers up and running for the college. We have 2 HP ProLiant BL465c G1 w/ 16GB of RAM and SAN storage space. One is running the current version of VMware ESX, and the other is running Windows Server 2008 RC0 w/ the Windows Server Virtualization role installed. I don’t…

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Server 2008 RC0…

Well, I’ve been geeking on Server 2008. What a great product with excellent functionality! I’m stoked about the future built-in virtualization, new terminal services functionality, and ease of build. Today, I set up TS RemoteApps which allows you to RDP applications to the desktop. Very nifty how this works. Also, I’m in the process of installing RC0 on a Dual-Core…

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