
Xobni Beta

OK… Anyone heard of this? Well, I’m a bit late to the party, but Xobni is beta social-networking tool that integrates with Outlook.I guess Bill Gates hyped it last fall. Anyway, if I get two people to click on the link below and sign up, they put me on the top of the list:) Thanks in Advance! Mike


“Workstation 2008″…the Hot Ticket!

OK…This Rocks! Following a blog post from an MS Engineer, Installed Server 2008 standard x64 on my TabletPC adding in many of the vista features. It smokes my install of Vista Ultimate to pieces… Performance tests have shown a 11-17% performance difference between a Server 2008 WS and Vista, SP1. This is the OS MS should have released to the…

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What’s New…

Well, I’ve got a lot on my plate this week so we won’t have a new post till spring break…and it will be a long one. I’ve got a ton of cool stuff to share with you. And hopefully, I’ll start getting some feedback from my publisher on my book proposal! TTYL…Mike While you are waiting…check out http://www.runtime.org/dixml.htm http://www.personalfirewall.comodo.com/ http://anchorfree.com/downloads/hotspot-shield/


Reason #1 to keep moving forward…Don’t be The Lone Server!

Check out this funny video from MS… http://blogs.technet.com/windowsserver/pages/about-lone-server.aspx I love the Blue Screen cocktail…As an ex-bartender and IT geek, this is COOL! And if you haven’t seen Microsoft’s latest children’s book…Personally, I think it is funny, yet a lame marketing attempt. http://gizmodo.com/342499/microsofts-brainwashing-childrens-book-mommy-where-do-servers-come-from Mike


The Road to IT Pro

As promised, this is the first of many posts on the subject of working in IT and teaching yourself Windows or your operating system office choice using the techniques described. Before we get started, let’s talk about IT. Unlike some fields out there, IT is great because it’s always changing and you can constantly be challenged. On the flip side,…

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