
Passing the VCP…

Greeting True Believers! I’ve been telling myself for weeks that I’d write a blog after passing the VCP510 exam so here it is… After a few months of studying, I passed VCP510 in January. It was a good thing to as I passed it 2 days before I began teaching my vSphere 5 ICM courses through the VMware IT Academy.…

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It’s a Busy Week

Greetings True Believers, Wow…it has been a busy week.  Microsoft has announced that certifications are changing.  I have stuff to say about that but check out expta.com for a couple of great blog posts on the topic.  Jeff did a great job of distilling the information from Microsoft. As for me, I’m busy working on the first of a set…

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@Nerdliness is Just one of The Krewe

Good Evening True Believers, Well, yours truly has a handful of blog topics that are either half-completed or still in his head, but I just had to post this. Those of you in The Krewe know what special and talented people comprise the group.  It astounds me every day how blessed I am to be connected with people who do extraordinary…

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