Like many of you, I spent the morning watching and tweeting about the Surface Pro 3 announce at the Surface Event in NYC. Many people were expecting a Surface mini to be released, but in hindsight, Surface Pro 3 makes much more sense from a customer standpoint and sales standpoint. With the lukewarm acceptance of Surface RT, a 8″ tablet…
Month: May 2014
My Two Cents on TechEd Retirment – Repost
Repost of a previous blog post from my now-dead wordpress site so formatting may be poor… On Monday, I received a email (see below) from Microsoft telling me about the discontinuation of TechNet, even though I knew about this hours before via Twitter. As a long time TechNet subscriber/user, I have a lot of thoughts on this. Personally, I am disappointed…
Drinking the PowerShell Kool-Aid…Repost
This is a reposted blog from my now dead wordpress site so formatting may be poor… So I’ve recently drank the kool-aid and I’m all in on PowerShell. After TechEd this year and speaking with lots of IT Pros & Industry folks, I knew it was time for me to get up to speed on PS or be left behind.…