Career, IT Pro, Microsoft Ignite

Guidelines for Building an Awesome Conference Schedule

With Microsoft Ignite less than two weeks away, I wanted to share with you some ideas for building your schedule for this (or any technical conference for that matter). Over the years, I’ve based my schedule building on some rules. By following some guidelines and knowing your goals, you’ll have a more successful conference experience with plenty of useful information…

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Career, Cloud Advocacy, IT Pro, Microsoft Ignite

Making Microsoft Ignite a Success – Before You Leave

Over the years, I’ve attended a lot of conferences, and Microsoft Ignite is by far the largest I’ve attended. It has hundreds of sessions, vendor experiences, and engagement opportunities with Microsoft FTEs (Full Time Employees) & Industry experts. Mix in the thousands of attendees, and you have a great big sea of humanity. In order to make your experience a…

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Presenting at TechMentor 20 in Redmond

Great News! I was selected to present at TechMentor in Redmond, WA on August 9th, 2018. My session will cover how to build a new career in 5 hours a week. Topics will include why you need to be learning all the time, how to put together a learning plan, and how to get the skills for that new job or…

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